
The use and maintenance of the unique EVERSLIDE products is effortless. Thanks to the high-quality materials we use and the professional workmanship, our products also have a warranty.


When in use, the surface of the EVERSLIDE plastic matting products should be kept moist by sprinkling water on it. This will reduce the friction and thus prolong the life of the product. Furthermore, it will increase the ski-jumpers’ safety in the event of a fall. The sprinkler system is not included in our deliveries. It should be built as a separate system for the landing hill. We can assist with the technical solution, if necessary.

Maintained properly, the EVERSLIDE products will withstand
even the heaviest use!


The surface of the EVERSLIDE plastic matting should be kept clean of dirt, either by sweeping the leaves and sand away or by washing with a pressure washer. If the moistening water has high levels of calcium, the matting elements must be cleaned with an acid-based detergent and a pressure washer every 3-6 months, depending on the amount of precipitation of calcium on the surface of the elements. The pressure washer should be used only downwards, following the direction of the fibres. Both the surface of the matting elements and that of the safety plates should be cleaned. Finally, the surfaces should be rinsed with clean water.


We recommend arranging drainage for the beginning of the braking zone to drain rainwater and melted snow from the outrun.


The EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System has a 5-year warranty. In practice, the matting lasts considerably longer than this.

Questions regarding maintenance or other technical solutions?