The Everslide Story

The EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System for summer ski jumping was launched in 1984. It was originally developed and manufactured by a Finnish company called Kirkkala Oy, which specialised in producing polypropylene fibres for brushes used by street-cleaning vehicles. In 1991, C.E. Lindgren bought the Kirkkala business, and six years later decided to focus the entire fibre production operation on EVERSLIDE. Since then, C.E. Lindgren has become the market leader in this business, and more than half of the matted ski jumps worldwide are covered with EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System.

More than half of the matted ski jumps worldwide
are covered with EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System.

Besides the EVERSLIDE plastic matting solutions, our product range also includes in-run tracks and snow-blocking nets. Our first in-run track, the EVERSLIDE Fibre Track, consisted of overlapping fibre elements and was developed to correspond to snow-prepared in-run tracks. As track machines for winter operation advanced, requirements for summer tracks changed as well. As a result, we developed our EVERSLIDE Super Track. It was made of patterned plastic plates with side lists that aligned the skis correctly to help ski-jumpers better concentrate on the take-off. The first version of the EVERSLIDE Super Track product was tested on the Jyväskylä K100 ski jump in 1993. Since then, the product has been developed further.

The development work for the plastic materials inspired us to expand our production to cover other forms of winter sports products for summer use. In 1994, our EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System was introduced for sledding. Since then, thousands of families have had the opportunity to enjoy the excitement of sledding, as our EVERSLIDE Sledding Slopes are used at family entertainment centres as well as in water and amusement parks around the world. In the beginning, the sledding slopes were so-called open space slopes, but since 2001 we have recommended that our customers build the EVERSLIDE Sledding Slopes with lane guides. These have increased the safety of the riders, and the capacity of the slope.

Our success in manufacturing plastic matting for ski jumps and sledding slopes encouraged us to make further developments. At the end of 1997, we introduced the EVERSLIDE Alpine Matting System and the EVERSLIDE Cross Country Ski Track. Two versions of the EVERSLIDE Alpine were available: EVERSLIDE Alpine Standard for downhill skiing and Durable for snowboarding. The EVERSLIDE Alpine could also be used on ski lift tracks, and for anchor lifts, we developed a special element called the EVERSLIDE Lift Track. The EVERSLIDE Cross Country Ski Track was mainly aimed at skiing instruction. The surface of the track elements consisted of brushes bent diagonally forwards. This way, the ski would slide well but also have good grip.

Our experience and knowledge of plastic materials and the high quality of our products have made us an internationally recognized and successful company. Today, the EVERSLIDE Plastic Matting System is in use on both ski jumps and sledding slopes around the world.

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